HTML and how its work on website development


HTML coding is a language that computers can read and understand. As a Web developer, you use HTML coding to create websites and web pages. HTML’s coding is the foundation of all websites, even if a website has no images or graphics. This is because HTML codes are the basis for all other information on a page.


Hyper Text Markup Language is one of the most popular coding languages for website development. You can use it to create a website, but also to make it look pretty.


As you might know, HTML’s coding is a way of writing webpages. You can use HTML in many ways. You can write into your website’s source code using a text editor, or you can use a WYSIWYG editor, such as Dreamweaver or Front Page to design your site.


The advantage of using an HTML’s editor for your front end work is that it allows you to create beautiful looking web pages without having to learn long and complex Web Design languages.


Hyper Text Markup Language is a language for describing the contents of web pages, used for structuring and organizing web content. It is a simple data format that uses tags to add structure to your website.


HTML can be used to describe the structure of information on a web page, as well as how that information should be presented on the screen. The basic tag structure includes titles, paragraphs, lists, headings and body text.

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