How to turn off keyboard sound on PC

keyboard sound

To turn off the keyboard sound on a PC, you’ll need to disable the keypress sounds in your operating system’s settings. The specific steps may vary slightly depending on your version of Windows or other operating systems, but here are the general steps for Windows:

Method 1: Using Windows Settings

Open Settings: Press the Windows key on your keyboard or click on the Windows Start button, then click the gear-shaped icon for “Settings” to open the Settings app.

Go to Devices: In the Settings window, click on “Devices.”

Typing: In the Devices menu, select “Typing” from the left sidebar.

Touch Keyboard: Scroll down to the “Touch keyboard” section. If you don’t see this section, you might need to click on “Advanced keyboard settings.”

Toggle Off “Play key sounds as I type”: You should see an option that says “Play key sounds as I type.” Toggle this switch to the off position. This will disable the keypress sounds for the touch keyboard.


Method 2: Using Control Panel

Open Control Panel: You can also access keyboard settings through the Control Panel. To open Control Panel, press Windows + X and select “Control Panel.”

Ease of Access: In Control Panel, click on “Ease of Access.”

Ease of Access Center: In the Ease of Access menu, click on “Ease of Access Center.”

Make the keyboard easier to use: Under the “Explore all settings” section, click on “Make the keyboard easier to use.”

Turn on Toggle Keys: Scroll down to find the option that says “Turn on Toggle Keys.” This option controls the keypress sound. Uncheck the box to turn off the keyboard sound.


Once you’ve followed these steps, the keyboard sound should be turned off, and you won’t hear any keypress sounds when typing. Keep in mind that the exact options and steps may vary slightly depending on your Windows version, so if you can’t find the settings as described, you might need to explore the settings menus to locate the keyboard sound options.


If you’re using a different operating system like macOS or Linux, the steps will be different, so please specify your operating system for more precise instructions.

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