About anti ballistic missile system

Anti ballistic missile system (ABM) is a type of air defense system used to protect against aircraft and missiles. ABMs are designed to destroy incoming warheads before they reach their targets by using sensors, computers, and fire control systems to detect and track the target. Once the threat has been identified, the interceptor can launch an anti-ballistic missile toward the target.


There are two main types of ABMs – primary and passive. Primary ABMs are those that carry their own launchers and ammunition; these systems are usually located in centralized locations such as military bases or large cities. Passive ABM systems rely on radar stations or satellites to detect enemy threats and then send information about them directly to the interceptors for interception.


So, what exactly is an active anti ballistic missile?

An active anti ballistic missile is a short-range weapon that uses explosive warhead technology to destroy its targets upon contact. These weapons play an important role in modern air defense systems because they have relatively low flight profiles which make them difficult for enemies to shoot down with conventional firearms or missiles during peacetime operations. Active AIMs can also be launched from platforms such as warships or ground vehicles in order not give away our position prematurely.


What is an anti ballistic missile system?

An anti ballistic missile system (ABM) is a type of air defence system that uses missiles to defend against attacks from short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. ABMs are designed to protect large areas, such as cities or military bases, from attack. They work by detecting and tracking the target missile until it reaches within range of the ABM’s weapon systems. At that point, the ABM will fire its weapons at the missile, destroying it.