Make money on facebook In-stream video

Making money through Facebook In-Stream videos involves becoming a content creator and monetizing your videos by including ads within them. Here’s a general overview of the process:


Meet Eligibility Requirements:

To monetize your Facebook In-Stream videos, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria, including having a Facebook Page with at least 10,000 followers and accumulating at least 600,000 total minutes viewed on your videos in the last 60 days.


Enroll in Ad Breaks:

Ad Breaks are short ads that you can include in your videos to monetize your content. Once you’re eligible, you can enroll in the Ad Breaks program. Go to your Facebook Page, click on “Publishing Tools,” and then select “Video Monetization.” Follow the instructions to set up Ad Breaks.


Create Quality Content:

Focus on creating engaging and high-quality videos that resonate with your audience. Your content should adhere to Facebook’s community standards and copyright policies.


Decide Placement of Ad Breaks:

When editing your video, you can choose where to insert Ad Breaks. Facebook recommends placing them during natural breaks in your content, such as after a significant scene change or at the end of a segment. However, avoid placing them too frequently, as it could negatively impact the viewer experience.


Ad Guidelines and Compliance:

Ad Breaks have specific guidelines, such as video length, engagement requirements, and content restrictions. Ensure your videos meet these guidelines to maintain eligibility for monetization.


Monetization and Revenue Sharing:

Facebook shares a portion of the ad revenue generated from your In-Stream videos with you. The exact revenue share depends on various factors, including your location and the advertisers participating in the program.


Viewer Interaction and Engagement:

Encourage viewers to interact with your content by commenting, liking, sharing, and following your Page. Higher engagement can lead to more monetization opportunities.


Monitor Performance:

Regularly analyze your video performance to understand what types of content are resonating with your audience. This can help you tailor your future videos to maximize engagement and earnings.


Payment and Payouts:

Facebook typically pays content creators on a monthly basis, as long as you’ve reached the minimum payout threshold. Payment methods may vary based on your location.


Stay Updated:

Facebook’s policies and features can change, so it’s essential to stay updated with any updates to the In-Stream video monetization program.


Remember that building a successful monetization strategy takes time and effort. Focus on creating valuable content that your audience enjoys, and the potential for earning money through Facebook In-Stream videos can follow.

Read more : Facebook page monetization and Ultimate guide of  Earning